Jesus the Reservoir of Hope and Trust

I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you... and I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself will come also. (Philippians 2.19, 24)

At times when we think of our interaction with our Lord Jesus we place it fully in the ethereal, beyond the daily rote, above the mundane, outside the experiences of our everyday. But this is a disservice to us. Jesus the Lord is fully comfortable with His Lordship functioning within our everyday lives. We will miss the depth of relationship with Jesus if we do not meet with Him in our mundane.

Paul knew Jesus the reservoir of our hope and trust. Instead of relegating God the Son to the transcendent He placed Christ's Lordship squarely within His everyday hopes and dreams. Writing to the Philippians, Paul stated He longed to hear from them, to care for them, to see them face to face. He put all of these hopes and dreams within Jesus. He hoped to send Timothy to the church to provide pastoral care, but not just any hope, but a Christ-centered expectancy. He placed his trust and confidence that he would see the church again in Jesus.

Do we have Christ-centered expectancy when we see the needs of the church? Do we have Jesus-inspired confidence that our dreams will become reality? When we see the need we too easily place our hope in ourselves. Today, could we recognize Jesus' desire to be active in our lives and dreams? Jesus the reservoir of our hope and trust is ready to power our inspired dreams for His church and is faithful to complete the good work He has begun in us and within His creation.

Jesus, as I look at the hopes and dreams you've placed within my heart, remind me to invite you into them, to see your awesomeness within my dreams of the future.