“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1.8)
As we read the news of yet another attack, another stabbing pain into the heart of our humanity by men bent on torture, we ask ourselves, “Will this ever end?” Bombings, beheadings, ruthless pillaging of innocent women and children. We look back through time and see the seeds of human failure and the generational harvests we’ve sown for ourselves in sorrow. We lose sight of the beginning in the bloody trails of our history.
Praise God we have a great high priest who’s name is Love! Jesus is the alpha and the omega. Before we brought sin into the world through our pride Jesus stood at the dawning of His creation and spoke love. Jesus is the alpha. Nothing comes before Him. Nothing stands next to Him. God alone is the absolute source. And after the days stretch over the horizon Jesus stands at the end of time and speaks love. Jesus is the Omega. His love calls those who have suffered for His name into everlasting peace. His love calls those that have rejected His name and His people to enter their chosen destination—eternity apart from God.
In Jesus the alpha and the omega we stand encouraged, though our hearts break and our backs are broken, though our souls ache with the strain and our minds cannot reconcile the persecuted existence of His church. Jesus is the almighty. He had the first word and He will have the last.
Jesus, I rejoice in your almighty sovereignty. Although I do not understand what you allow I believe you are reaping glory for your name and your people.