Jesus the Demon's Fear

And whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” (Mark 3.11)

Can we imagine what it must have been like for the demons? They had spent years tormenting, undisturbed by the weak faith of the masses, twisting the bodies and abusing the souls of men and women. And then one day in the midst of all their mischief who should appear, not a mere Jewish exorcist but Jesus, the Son of God!

Before their fall they had worshiped at His throne. Before they had followed Lucifer in his vain folly they had seen Jesus in His eternal glory, enthroned at the right hand of the Father. And here they found themselves, face to face with divinity! What horror! Read the gospel account of Mark we need not read a malicious intent into their proclamation, as if the demons are trying to expose Jesus' true identity. I see shock, unadulterated terror, as they recognize Jesus: the source of all the demons' fear. They are hopeless at the hand of God Himself.

And this gives us a beautiful moment of pause. That same authority, that same unparalleled power has seen fit to dwell in us, frail jars of clay. Jesus, the demons' fear and the angels' rejoicing has poured out His Spirit on us. We have no need to tremble as we walk in righteousness at the appearance of the enemy because Christ Himself stands with us. He places His arm around us, empowers us with His Holy Spirit, and drives out demons.

Jesus, you are the demons' fear, the One true God who is supreme over the visible and invisible. Thank you for delivering me from sin and delivering others through our Spirit-empowered prayer.